Monday, January 18, 2010

Finished Product

Today I'm to meet with a few like-minded friends, writers interested in learning the nuts and bolts of setting up a blog. While I'm proud beyond words that I managed to set mine up, it's still incomplete. I ran into snafoos adding photos, formatting my "home page" and finally threw up my hands thinking I could've written a full chapter in the time it'd taken me to pull all my hair out.

But today, through the grace and love of old and new friends, I'll try again to learn all the tech stuff that I find tedious at best. Helen Ginger, by far the most techy among us, has graciously offered to "coach" the rest of this little crew of keyboard maidens through the first stages, bless her charitable heart.

While fishing through my original notes on setting up this blog site - notes - I'd written over a year ago - I realized that, like my blog, I'm not a finished product. I still need work, I can learn to do this and in doing so I'll change in some nano molecular way that no one is likely to notice. But notice is not the point here. The point is - - there's still hope for me.

Wish me luck!
